Venusde Blog

Venusde Blog
18 mins

Ah, summer. The season of sunshine, beach days, and… frizzy hair? Yep, you bet. Not only in summer, but if you live in a humid climate, frizz often comes as the norm. You might have accepted your frizzy fate—it's one of those beauty woes that can seem impossible to control,...

Venusde Blog
18 mins

It's no surprise that rosemary oil has become a go-to for anyone chasing luscious, fuller hair. But let's be real—oiling your hair is no new secret or groundbreaking hack. People have been using oils on their hair for centuries! Hair oiling, a practice rooted in Indian Ayurvedic traditions, involves applying...

Venusde Blog
18 mins

Rosemary oil has taken social media by storm, with TikTok alone racking up nearly millions of views of people sharing their experiences with this “miracle” hair growth booster. But can rosemary oil truly work wonders for your hair, or is it best left as a kitchen favourite? What is Rosemary...

Venusde Blog
17 mins

Masalah rambut gugur memang sesuatu yang sering kita dengar, sama ada bagi lelaki mahupun perempuan. Mungkin anda sendiri pernah mengalami masalah ini, atau sedang mengalaminya sekarang. Namun, tahukah anda apakah sebenarnya punca rambut gugur? Dan bagaimana kita boleh mengatasi masalah ini dengan berkesan? Mari kita fahami lebih lanjut! Berapa Banyak...